25 September 2007

I fully support capital punishment for bicycle thieves.

Seriously, what kind of person takes a mans bicycle? Bloody savages.
So I'm heading off to work, not real thrilled to be riding to work in the drizzle, but I would have gotten over it, when I open the door and see that some bastard ass Dutchman cut the lock clean off my bike. These are the worst humans in the world. I would put the people that get convicted at the tribunal higher up on the reasonable person list that bicycle thieves right now. And I say that completely without hyperbole.

Changing gears, work is going well. I've been working on a small bit of a big judgment that will be handed down on Thursday. I'm told its extremely confidential and not to talk to anyone about it other than the trial team, which makes me feel like a big man. My supervisor tells me to watch out for the defense attorney whilst in the tribunal library, he can be pushy and will try to get some info from me. I told her I ain't going to let no one push me around.

So with my newly inflated sense of self worth, I will leave you with some photos now that the Iraqi internet is up and running like a champ. BOOSH!

The view out of my window.

The Dutch have a really grandiose term for matches

This is the jail where they keep the detainees for the ICTY and the ICC. Apparently it's really nice. They get to play tennis and cook for themselves. I hear that Charles Taylor cooks for a few of the other ICC defendants, which boggled my mind when I heard it, madness.
Side note, while hearing that story, I was told that Charles Taylor also complained to the ICC about the Dutch food that they were serving it. Ole Chuck thinks it sucks ass, so they let him cook what he wanted. My Dutch roommate was outraged about this. She didn't care that they caved to his demands, but because he doesn't like Dutch food. She couldn't believe anyone would complain about Dutch food.
She also wasn't pleased when I followed that up by telling her how bland Dutch food is. Thankfully I have some hot sauce and Tony Chachere's

And finally this item at the Albert Heijn supermarket

What a coincidence. I am also a big American that is crispy on the outside and soft inside.

More to come, assuming some filthy Dutchman doesn't steal my computer too.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hey Matt-
Sorry to hear your bicycle got stolen :(
Those bastards!
I enjoy reading your blog and viewing your pictures. I am glad you are sharing your experiences and hope you are enjoying it! Take Care.