27 November 2007

The RedBull Knockout or: How to anger a Swiss girl by holding a motorcycle race on the beach.

Last Sunday was spent at Schreveningen for the Second Annual RedBull Knockout, and believe me, it was glorious. It consisted of 500 bikes tearing ass on the beach for upwards of three hours. Some, like my Swiss officemate say this is madness, but nay, I say, there is no better a sight than motorcycles flying through the air for hours on end.

Also, whilst at the race, Chris and I went to get some fries at the fry stand. Now, I have known for some time that the Dutch loved their french fries, but I was unaware as to the level of seriousness they directed towards their fry consumption. Whilst in line, two men got into an argument about their respective positions in the fry line, and fisticuffs ensued. There was a 30 second or so brawl and about 15 minutes of Dutch jawing afterwards, all over some delicious Belgian style fries. So take heed, never get between a Dutchman and his fries.

Don't ever say I didn't warn you.

Also, a few photos were taken, and as an added treat, a couple of videos courtesy of the good folks at Youtube and my digital camera. Ain't technology great.

This is one of the first few laps in the opening segment. Craziness ensued with 500 bikes in one race. The track was quite large, but it still made for a dense, and therefore excellent race.

This is the start of the Knockout round, where they knocked out ten riders a lap after the first ten laps. You can hear them pin it all the way down the long front stretch, sounds glorious with the thumpers mixed with strokers.

This is not my video, but someone else that took a much better one of the same event.
Between this and the Last Man Standing, RedBull can do no wrong.

Your winner ladies and gentlemen, Frenchman Timotei Potisek, in all his blurry glory. He took home 15,000 Euros, which is not too shabby for an afternoon's work.

You can see the start here in the back. It was a heap more impressive in person.

This guy endoed just before this. It took him about five minutes to get his bike back up and going. He looked pretty injured, but kept on going. You have to respect that kind of determination.

The bikes were about this dense the entire 60 minute qualifier.

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