30 May 2010

The Return

Greetings one and all. This is more of a teaser of my return, as time is of the essence. Many new and exciting things have happened these days, all of which will come later. The most important of these, which has inspired me to return to this format, is the fact that I have a new job, working at the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law, http://www.hiil.org

While this is exciting for me, the biggest news is that the good people at HiiL found it necessary to send me on a business trip this week in beautiful Kampala, Uganda for the Rome Statute Review Conference, http://www.iccnow.org/?mod=review

Read up on it and I will have a proper post up soon. In the mean time, I have to get to the airport and catch my plane, so I shall bid you adieu.

More to come, later today.



7 said...

'Bout time

Justin Dove said...

That's freakin' awesome, dude. I know some kids who are in Kampala, Uganda, right now, but they're not doing the same thing you're doing. Have fun. I'll catch you on the flip side about my stay in Amsterdam.