04 June 2010

Kampala, Day Four: Americans still know how to throw a proper discussion panel.

Today will be a rather short post, as there wasn't a whole lot of excitement, at least not the type that comes across in print. We had our first LTOP discussion panel for state delegations, which I was told went splendidly. I had to be told that, as I was required to man the table during the event. Tomorrow we have the same discussion for Civil Society, so I'll get to go to that. Later in the evening was the much awaited panel on Complementarity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, presented by the U.S. and Norwegian delegations. Every other panel was just setup in a conference room, everybody showed up and had the discussion, a Q&A and left. It appears to be the way things are done.

However, the U.S. delegation provided food and drinks before hand. I can't tell you how proud I was to be an American at that point. It warmed the cockles of my heart. That, my friends, is how one throws a discussion panel. To top it all off, although it started slow, it ended up being the best panel I have attended thus far. USA! USA!

WARNING: The following video contains lots of patriotic swearing and brief nudity. You have been warned.
Sincerely, The Management

Brought to you by: SporkMonkey, CRAPtv's Team America Site, and CannibalTheMusical.Net.

After the event, we had a late dinner, followed by the most exciting and fun taxi ride in my life. I got to ride shotgun, which is on the wrong side of the car here. Death defying, at every turn. I freakin' loved it, although I don't think my colleagues had the same fun. Shame.

That's all I have for today. I don't think I will have time for any updates for the rest of the weekend, as I have a friend coming to town from Arusha, but I'll see what I can do. Otherwise, expect an epic, post weekend in Kampala update. Hopefully I can see some of what the city is really like, rather than our isolated times at the resort.
Stay tuned.

And seeing as I can't leave you without any photos, here's a photo of the discussion panel. Try to contain your excitement.

Also, we have driven by this structure every day, on the way to the resort. I can't quite figure it out. It appears to have been abandoned during construction many years ago, but inexplicably they decided to start up again. The exposed re-bar is all rusted to hell and the concrete is a bit crumbly. I have no idea how they are going to recover it, but I might just have to return here one day to see how they did it.

More to come


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