03 June 2010

Kampala, Day Three: Seven Foot Germans!

Today was surprisingly uneventful. Just the normal day of promoting Legal Tools and sitting in on debates. It was not without it's highlights though. First, and perhaps most importantly, I met a nice German fellow from the ICC Secretariat. Super nice guy, but the thing that stands out is that he goes at least seven foot tall. He was a mountain of a man. Apparently Dirk Nowitzki is not an aberration.

Also, there was a quite exciting time at the Peace and Security stock taking panel. I don't want to misquote anyone, so I will wait for the official transcripts to come out, but there was one heated bit where the European Union and Senegal delegations were taking very thinly veiled shots at each other regarding the arrest warrant for the former president of Chad, Hissene Habre. It was quite exciting. In lieu of misquotes and possible media blunders, I present you a photo of the debate. It was much more exciting that it looks.

Otherwise, the day was uneventful, although I believe I secured a personally guided tour of Kampala from a lovely young Ugandan attorney whilst on the bus. I'll let you know what the real Kampala is like, away from all the fancy resorts and diplomats. It should be exciting.

Sorry for the boringness of this update, but I will leave you, as usual, with a short photo essay. Enjoy.

The aforementioned Chinese bus. I like it more and more each day.

I'm not entirely certain that the sculptor has ever seen a horse, at least not one that wasn't deformed.

The Big Spring delegation made it.

We had dinner by the lake again. Still just as beautiful. Plus, I was able to make an excellent Dark and Stormy with the aforementioned ginger brew.

Yay, horsies!

And finally, the lobby of the Resort had this crazy fountain. Look at it go!

That's all I got this time. Stay tuned for more.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

i cant watch the video! it says something about accepting an invite from the publisher?